Juice Academy 

 7 Day Juice Cleanse

The blueprint to successfully completing a 7 Day Juice Cleanse... 
Lose weight, look younger, have more energy and start THRIVING! 

The Juice Academy is the perfect solution for... 

  • Low Energy

  • Hormonal Imbalances

  • Menopause Symptoms

  • Addiction - Sugar, Food, Alcohol 
  • Autoimmune Conditions

  • Digestive Issues

  • Weight or Skin Struggles

  • Feeling Lack Lustre, or Just a Little Meh! 

  • You Want to Look Great, and Feel Great! 

Ready to take action, then read on..... 

Taking action can be confusing and overwhelming! Trying different protocols, supplements, fad diets, that resulted in short term results or none at all! 

Juice Academy and The 7 Day Juice Cleanse is different and here's why, it's not just a great cleanse (which it is!) it'll also educate and empower you to make positive health choices, providing the knowledge and tools to support THRIVING and not just SURVIVING! 

I know you're ready and motivated to commit to change because you've landed here, the good news is it doesn't need to be complicated! 



By the end of this program

You will have…

  • Successfully Completed a 7 Day Juice Cleanse! 

  • Increased Energy 

    Juice cleansing has a powerful effect on the body, allowing vital functions within to rebuild and recharge, it's one of the the quickest and safest way to recharge your batteries naturally.

  • Reduced Sugar Cravings

    Juice cleansing supports breaking addictions such as sugar.
  • Improved Digestive Health 

    Giving the digestive system a break by using fresh juices is a great way to get the body to easily absorb nutrients and minerals, reducing bloating and freeing up energy for healing. 

  • Experienced Healthy Weight Loss 

    Juice cleanses reduces calories whilst nourishing the body, also increasing the amounts of healthy bacteria in the gut which has been linked to weight reduction.

  • Improved Sleep 

    Often juice cleansing improves sleep as it allows the body to reach its perfect state of balance and harmony, inducing a better nights sleep.
  • Improve Hormone Health

    Juice cleansing is a fabulous way to support and improve your hormonal health due to the large amount of micronutrients such as the minerals, vitamins, enzymes and phytonutrients that support anti-inflammatory actions and healthy cellular function in the hormonal glands. 

  • Happiness!

    Often juice cleansers experienced increased contentment and happiness. 

"Haven't missed a day of Green Goddess Juice since my juice cleanse with Lucy, It really does make a MASSIVE difference to how I feel each day for sure... More energy, clear skin, less bloating and less desire to be naughty - and when you do you can really tell a difference and feel it !!!

Sarah - UK 

Enroll in The 7 Day Juice Cleanse 

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Following breast cancer I fully immersed myself in Lucy's cleanse programme. her passion and conviction was pivotal to my success. Her constant reassurance, knowledge, recommendations and general advice allowed me to sail through this process.

I can honestly say meeting Lucy has changed my life for the better. I have so much more information to secure my longevity

Ellen Aubrey - UK

Lucy prepared me well for a 10-day fast, guided me through it and, afterwards, helped me establish daily routines and practices that have served me well in improving, not only my physical health, but also my mental, emotional and spiritual health. Lucy is a knowledgeable, resourceful and practical coach but, more importantly, she is supportive, encouraging and compassionate. 

Monica Linssen -  Australia 


This 10days of juice fasting was amazing, very inspiring and supportive not only physical but on an emotional level also, grateful to Lucy for sharing her knowledge, I've learn so much from this 10days. Thank you Lucy

Heta Kenia - India 



What’s Inside The 7 Day Juice Cleanse  

Pre-Start Module: 

Get Set for Success! 

Fail to Prepare, Prepare to Fail: In this module you'll get ready to go, you'll get clear on the equipment required, the recipes and daily plan, the shopping list and how to prepare and store your juices. 

Module Highlights: 

  • Equipment Required: Juicer Options & Recommendations 
  • Juice Recipes and Shopping List 
  • Your WHY Exercise - Your WHY is Different to Your Reason, It's What Will Ensure You Succeed! 
Pre-Start Module 2: 

Juice Demonstrations. 

Juice Recipe Making Demos: Each juice has a video on how to make it and the benefits of that juice. 

Module Highlights: 

  • You'll Know Exactly How to Make Each Juice - No Guess Work! 
  • You'll Understand The Benefits of Each Juice, The Specific Nutrients and What's it's Good For. 


Module 1

Juice Cleanse Benefits! 

The Science behind Juice: Juicing is a feast for the cells and in this module you'll understand the biology and science, you'll be clear on what happens on a cellular level and why juicing is SO beneficial. 

Module Highlights:

  • How Juice Impacts The Body on a Cellular Level 
  • You Get Clear On Why Juice 
  • Juice Demonstration 
Module 2

Shop Bought Juices

Freshly pressed Vs bottled juices: The shelves of stores are stacked with pasteurised juices, and the refrigerations section offer what's claimed as 'freshly pressed' but are they all they claim to be!  


Module Highlights:

  • Freshly Pressed Juice Vs Bottled Juices 
  • Learn How to Choose Wisely Whilst Out and About 
  • Daily Juice Demonstration 
Module 4

Powerful Juicing Additions! 

What you can add to your juice to POWER it up: In this module we'll explore additions to juice, such as wheatgrass, which is high in chlorophyll and many vitamins, minerals and amino acids, and aloe vera which is fantastic for gut, skin health and helping to manage blood sugar. 

Module Highlights:

  • You'll Learn The Incredible Benefits of Wheatgrass on The Body - You'll Learn How to Grow it (surprisingly simple) 
  • You'll Learn How to Use Wheatgrass and Juice it. 
  • You'll Learn How to Use Fresh Aloe Vera in Your Juice, How to Take it Out of The Leaf and How to Store it. 
Module 5

Juice Vs Smoothies 

What's better juice or smoothies?!: Both have incredible benefits, and provide the body with an abundance of nutrients and once you understand the difference you'll be sold on both! 

Module Highlights:

  • You'll Learn The Benefit of Smoothies with The Addition of Fibre 
  • You'll Learn The Difference Between a Smoothie and a Juice. 
  • You'll Learn How to Make the Ultimate Smoothie For Healing. 
Module 6

Breaking Fast 

How to break a juice cleanse right!: Day 6 and we'll prepare to break fast, how you transition from an all liquid diet to solid foods is as important as the cleanse itself and will set you up for future success. 

Module Highlights:
  • You'll Learn What to Break Your Fast With 
  • You'll Learn How to Slowly Transition to Solid Foods 
  • You'll Learn The Benefits of Intermitted Fasting 
Module 7

Transform You Life with a Daily Juice 

Introducing a daily juice: All the incredible work you've done through the cleanse can be built upon by introducing a daily green juice, here we share how! 

Module Highlights:
  • You'll Learn How Including a Daily Juice Could Support Longterm Health 
  • You'll Learn What Juice to Include 
  • You'll Learn How to Stay Motivated 

When you enrol in the Juice Academy you'll receive:  



  • 7 Modules

    Practical and educational support designed to guide you successfully through a 7 day juice cleanse. Including downloadable templates and recordings. 

  • The Tools to Complete a Juice Cleanse 

    You receive all the juice recipes and recorded demonstrations on how to make each juice, shopping list of produce needed and advice on the options of equipment you'll need, the pros & cons of juicers based on budget. 
  • Private Facebook Group 

    The opportunity to ask questions of Lucy your fasting expert and share experiences with likeminded community . 
  • A Future Plan 

    You leave empowered with a plan and the knowledge to continue your juice journey, supporting your longevity. 
  • Lifetime Access  

    You can come back again and again, reaping the benefits of ALL future upgrades and new material for NO extra cost! Designed to keep you juicing for life!


Plus A Bonus to Support Your Juice Journey 




The Nut Milk Masterclass 

A complete guide to making homemade nut milks. 

Value: £20 

What You’ll Get:

  • Nut Milk Recipes
  • Recorded Nut Milk Demonstration 
  • How to Store & Use Nut Milks 

Here’s what you’re getting when you enrol today:

Juice Academy - 7 Day Juice Cleanse £77 

  • Bonus Module: Nut Milks  - £20 

Enrol today to get access to a complete "how to juice cleanse" and bonus nut milk making module with £20 for just: £77

2 X Monthly Payments of




A One-Time Payment of



Money Back Guarantee



I am confident The Juice Academy and The 7 day Cleanse will have a profound and positive impact on your life, so much so I am offering a money back guarantee.

If you purchase the 7 day juice cleanse programme and after completing the "Setting Up For Success" modules in the welcome area you decide it's not for you I will refund your payment in full.

All you need to do is contact us through the contact page and we'll return your money. 

You have nothing to lose and EVERYTHING to gain! 

Frequently Asked Questions

What people asked before signing up for a "7 Day Juice Cleanse" 

Enroll in The 7 Day Juice Cleanse Today

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Still thinking about it?


Lets Gets Clear..
The 7 Day Juice Cleanse is PERFECT for you if:  

  1. You've tried juice cleansing and didn't succeed and would love support to reach your goal! 
  2. You've been wanting to do a juice cleanse but didn't know where to start! 
  3. You're ready to take life-changing action and reclaim your health 
  4. You've no idea about juice cleansing but curious to try! 
  5. You've juice cleansed before, love it and now what to dive deeper into the science. 
  6. You're not interested in science, you just want to a do a detox - you can skip any of educational lessons! 
  7. You want a kick-start to a healthier future. 

I'm excited you're ready to take action, and here's why...  


I have personal experienced the power of juices, it has truly transformed my own health!

This photo was taken whilst I was receiving treatment for an aggressive form of breast cancer which had spread and despite having chemotherapy I had energy and vitality, and I attribute this to juicing throughout treatment (that and a strong mindset!) 

Juice swamps the cells with life giving nutrients, phytonutrients, polyphenols, enzymes, vitamins and minerals, anti-inflammatory and cancer frightening plant power! And since my treatment 7yrs ago I've supported many others to transform their health using natural methods such as juice fasting. 

The Juice Academy and the 7 Day Juice Cleanse is me sharing my personal experience, my success blueprint! I've designed this program to combine practical lessons on how to juice with the science. I want you to feel empowered with the knowledge whilst achieving the the best possible results, to really THRIVE. 

The 7 Day Juice Cleanse was developed for optimum results, the juices are nutritionally balanced with vegetables and small amount of fruit, also they're SUPER tasty! I've also chosen to price at an affordable level and provide life-time access, which means you receive on-going upgrades and stay motivated to continue juicing beyond these 7 days. 

So, I invite you to jump on-board and join me on this journey to living our best lives. 
Hope to see you inside

Lucy Xx 

Enrol in Juice Academy - 
7 Day Juice Cleanse 

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